Wednesday, March 25, 2009
meep-ed @ 6:26 AM

From the day i enter college, secrets had roamed the land. Just felt i am actually keeping quite a bit secrets kills me inside out. not just the secrets of college, but the secrets that always been inside me all this time.

I know inside me there are things i wished to say. kept inside me for extremely long time as if it was preserving prunes. but seriously? what the point of saying anything when it doesn't change a thing? pointless things are just not worth doing...

okay that sounds like a composition or something.
Don't mind me. it is just ranting of mine.

march holidays was pretty alright, finished all my work and met up with several secondary sch friends. everyone is surviving pretty well in JC life or their holiday. Just hope our relationship remains this way. and hopes somebody would grow up. hopefully.

got back to school on a happier note. With the holidays, pretty much ready for the workload to come. Project work is coming in and so is other subject. all rushing for mid year. just praying hard everything would do find. having pretty moodswings here and there, most likely due to derive of sleep.

Also my macbook is coming soon! cant wait for it.

anyway happy birthday bro. :)


and yes... i am still thinking of her... just wanna see her smile once again....
Sunday, March 8, 2009
meep-ed @ 6:09 AM

" After all the stupid things i did, how can we not be awkward when we are talking to each other? " adapted from a great friend of mine.

Its like two lovers that loved each other but never will be together as what i say.

Perhaps life its just like something that make us change from the past. Maybe thats the real reason why we cant revert back to the past. However, just because we cant go back to where we were. does it mean that two things that are apart with each other, are just meant or fated to never be together? or are they just not trying hard enough?

If there is god, I believe humans are the one and will be the one that goes against god's will... changing what is fated and meant to be into what is not meant to be. something better that we never thought we will ever have...

Saturday went out with Wan ling to study. if i am not wrong, its the first time in the year i saw her. thus we did a bit of catching up with each other's life. JC life is always fun to talk about. Embarrassing times, Happy times, sad times.... too many times to talk about.
Jean dropped a call to find out what buses can taken to go home from bras basah. Then i was like. give me 10 minutes. then i appeared in front of her. Kinda freaked her out. brought her to the bus stop for the bus and ran back in the rain to the coffee bean. almost got hit by a taxi cos i didn't watch the traffic. Tsk... i was like at that moment. " Yay i am going to die... finally.. its bring all to an end... " but the taxi stopped. Darn it.

Moved over to SMU's underground study area. Saw Wan ling's sister. then she gave me the chao bing face. as if i did something wrong. so i just kept quiet and did my studies. Keith appeared after being late for 30mins. chatted, studied and slacked, did quite abit of work. its kinda fun to meet up with old friends. we left around 9, where wan ling went off with her mum while me and keith went over to rochor road's soya beancurd. Talked more about my PT in school and some of the friends in school. did our usual guy talk and went home.

Today sucks. productivity inefficient. its like inside the PPC. studied for my maths and chemistry test i going to have tomorrow. felt that i seriously having problem with chemistry as i am still unsure of the defination and working. Maths was alright until i started looking at challenging questions and AP which seriously just killed my entire morale for maths. I think i am going to flunk my first CA. think that i am going to study chinese later on. can't believe i have tian xie han zi. sucks big time. i seriously feel like flunking chinese till Alevels cos there is tian xie han zi. zzz its like welcome back to primary school

JC aint so easy anymore. This sucks....

Wishing for the best. preparing for the worst. i hope...

Ciaos. :D

Friday, March 6, 2009
meep-ed @ 6:47 AM

"The "one" that we always talking about are just those fews that fit us. there are more just one in this world if u bother you bother to find it. Just that, there is so few that they become the one"
Adapted from what Zack said at grandstand 5th march

That day was chin hong's birthday then i was chatting with fiona and zack, her classmate. aka the biggest guy in Catholic Junior college. We were talking about all the super successful relationships like those they lasted since secondary sch and actually are together together... One live example is my sister. she had a boyfriend which suppose to be her first love. they were together since J1 and still together today. We always feel that once we found the one that meant to be with us. it may just meant forever love.. but whatever zack said is true. perhaps maybe there are people that had similar personality... or just another person that loves u as much the "one" we are refering to?

Well maybe thats what the statement meant about, the one that gives u true love can be anyone. i meant anyone...

Didnt blog yesterday cos i was way too tired to type. just came online, talk to people and went off to bed.. waaayyy too tired...

Well yesterday was Chin Hong's birthday. One of the guys in the clique. After school which i was released early because my teacher pull forward our chinese lesson. so sat at the grand stand with arielle's gfs from st anthony, just sat there and stone till fiona came by with zack and started chatted with them.

Chin hong ended his mass PE and we wanted to throw him down to pond. which failed cos he just ran up to his class to change.. darn it! after that Arielle, Fiona, Shaun, Chin hong and I walked to the novena for fish n co. It was quite sad cos shaun and arielle was playing the blind game while fiona and chin hong was like holding hands and walking together. and i just stood there and be a loner haha...

Got to Fish and co and chin hong saw his primary school friend, Sebastian, pray hard i didnt spell wrongly. which is like my age, 17 and its like fiona and arielle went crazy over him and wishing me chin hong and shaun would grow up to be like him. Yea thanks sis. =.= got alot of food and ate some hungry ghost from hell. we were like literally throwing food down the throat without chewing. The seafood platter. its good.. but i prefer the new york new york one haha!
after we are done eating. we were like singing songs like i'm yours... cant take my eyes off you... love story... everyone got quite high then its like as its chin hong birthday. he got a free ice cream and the crews was like singing a song for chin hong.

Well heres the bad news, we broke a glass when we left the place. tsk.. i feel sooo bad...
Got home and and taught beverly maths and physic as usual and got home to sleep tsk!

Today was alright... had mass PE but i was doing crutches throughout cos i was having cramps while running... sucky shit. i also wore my PE shorts wrong side. was like super pai seh la. but lucky i didnt have to do GST, instead of running they have to hop up,up 2 down 1, until they reach the top, its scarrryyy. did like 100 crutches while they do the GST. quite proud of myself LOL. Went out with lunch with jean,arielle and chris. Brandan pang seh us as usual with the line (girlfriend > everything!). got back to sch and settle the A levels results photo taking. was quite fun. but hard cos the teacher wanted happy faces but how to get happy faces when they expression goes like this

When they have good result, they cry
when they have bad results, they cry
when they haven got their result, they no feeling. KNS!!!

After duty i stayed at the studio playing patapon till 5 where i film the soccer match. its quite fun to do video but the boring part come in during editing and my eyes hurts from it =.= it tickles haha. after that went to far east ramen ten to have dinner with shaun, arielle, jean and chin hong. SHAUN WAS SOOO FUNNY. he ate the super hot ramen + big bowl. then he was like sweating as if he had another rugby training in the oven!. then he just kept quiet with his face like totally red. Chin hong was like screaming in pain... while arielle just stone there. Jean was like laughing her ass off when she was like looking at shaun's and chin hong's expression.

After the meal we got home cos everyone had plans... well its a friday night. curfew. celebration. for me? i have a date with my bro's Imac! i cant wait for my 13" macbook!!!!

Macbook macbook... where are you.....

Secrets ain't secrets when u know about secrets exist.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
meep-ed @ 3:45 AM

" It's not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you " Rachel Dawes , Batman begins

I always love to tell people i am different when i am alone or when i am serious with certain things. Yet i am here acting lunatic and over enthusiastic over certain things. perhaps it is time for me to change. to show them the real me than just plain talk. Some did see my serious mood. but i believe the impression they got for me is totally different from it. Its really time for a change. a change for the better

But... where's the real me?

Today is a boring day... had like 3 lectures continuously with 1 break. Got me all sleepy plus i didnt actually get a good night rest last night due to the coffee i took at night. Sucks...

Got home with Jun xiang to put his bag down at my place. Played Killzone 2 and resistance 2. I needa invest some of the money in PS3 for party games. felt sucky to just make jun xiang watch.
Went off for cross country. it was pretty alright, i walked like half of the time and ran the rest. at least its not as tiring as our mass PE... its kinda sad that none of the people in my class got awards... oh well. i aint doing anything to get the awards either.. lets not blame them. they did their best haha...

Some teacher fainted due to exhaustion and sent to the hospital. Lets just pray that he would be alright. I hoping its not my maths tutor... *prays hard*. I am like so going to go get some duty for FSV. i cant wait for the shirt. it looks quite good. at least no more white Tees!. haha

Just hoping the world would become a better place


Tuesday, March 3, 2009
meep-ed @ 6:58 AM

" You don't expect everyone to have the same old friends all the time, people change and so do their friends...."

It kinda hits in my face when i said that to my friend from RJC or rather RI.

(highlight to read! Spoilers alert! its ranting!)
Why do i even bother to cling around Arielle, Fiona and Brandan. its like they are having their own life, which i shouldn't be giving a bloody damn about it by putting my nose in and try to give some advice which is pretty much STUPID. I should seriously go look for some other friends to be with. someone that actually cares about my existence. No more cling to people and end up being a nuisance. and yet i am there like not even socializing with my class people... its like gawd i feel dumb here.

Too bad... they are still my friends.

Today was pretty alright. had quite a lot of tutorials, they are fun. just didn't like chinese lesson as it was as boring... and the release of the chinese content we need to study for CA. its like the same as primary school... this ain't going any better. Mass PE was killer... suppose to do like 100 push up. which i kinda faked 40 of them. and did like 60 mini push-up. okok i suck i still cant do a proper push up... 6 GST after all the PT and run... KILLS.... its like lethal dmg to body... yet. i found it quite fun.. haha but torturing...

GST stand for Grand stand torture. it involves running up and down the grand stand... it sucks. =.=

Pretty much thats it...
Tomorrow is rather slackly, just one tutorial and lecture all the way till end of class.. haha.. lastly cross country... lets not talk about it... hahaha....

How i wish i has a mask with a smiley face...


Monday, March 2, 2009
meep-ed @ 4:46 AM

Decided to give up my old blog.

Lets take that as a step from the past. Got enough of it. Its kind of sucks to stay in the past when you are in the future. Causing people like me to like ask, Are you sure its 2nd march? i thought its like 26 December 2008. Man... time flies. how i wish i could pluck off its wings.

Well after the Rockafella concert, everyone got the mood of its holidays again. No one wanna go school. The concert was alright, quite surprised by the crazy voices of people its like " Wow okay... i am getting its album also like bryan's band which is like even scary to actually play hysteria. One song i can't even play on guitar hero. lets not talk about the real life guitar....
One thing i seriously dislike the concert ( yes i aint using the word hate ), what kind of rock concert has seats?!?! its feels so weird when u start to stand up and jump to the song, people behind goes, " C**** *** sit down la! don't block people can! ". It just gives me the GOSH ITS A ROCK CONCERT. WHY ARE YOU SITTING DOWN! " *roll eyes*

Went out with IG 26 for seoul garden buffet. Seriously i shall whine again and say the service sucks. I was there asking what type of fish is it, then she was like black pepper. As if we don't know from the black dots. Well it was pretty fun to talk cock and eat like tons of meat. I think i would get some sort of ammonia poison due to the over dose of amino acid from the meat. i literally ate meat like it was carbohydrates. and i mean it.

Once again its school today again. Physic spa is rather simple and i came up with a conclusion... i suck in prac that includes water. i always screw them up. Others are still alright. at least i got the hang of it. Talking about physic. i seriously. miss Ms Goh. totally miss her teaching. I am like so going to thank her. Not because of her, i would hate and never ever touch physic in my life. the rest of the lessons are pretty much the usual boring stuff. Chemistry lecture is kinda killer as it went on the new topic and it hardly make sense so its kinda irritating....

Waited for Fio, jean, arielle, brandan for like 3hrs and 30 mins in sch while finishing up all my work... end up got pangsehed by all 4 of them. seriously i felt dumb. i should stop waiting for them already... I starting to feel that i am being used.. *roll eyes* blame that i am stupid and selfless. alright? stop suaning me.

Sometimes... its time to think about not just u, not just me.... but us

Ciao. =D

Perhaps i am too naive...

Maybe everything can be so different.... if i can see things from another perspective.....