Saturday, May 16, 2009
meep-ed @ 10:33 PM

Well... Life didnt exactly got any better since last time, Maybe it did get slightly better... maybe...

Carol is leaving singapore again, currently she is back Indonesia and gonna go US to study university. Well i going to miss her badly. wishing that all the past we can relive over and over again, i guess people move on. and life just got to keep going. Maybe its time, i should be less reliant on her... 

On friday, I had duty for literature evening, seniors was saying how boring the previous one for, and one thing i know, literature never amazed me that much, since i have been failing it and never decide to touch it again. Well the performance was, Awesome, Really awesome. Didn't really get the stories, but it kind of invoke a certain thinking in me. Perhaps the only barrier or the biggest barrier is actually the language barrier between me and literature.

I am starting to feel art students seems to be more fun-loving than science students, perhaps they seek for different in life, apart of getting a good job, good grades and all materialised things. They have their own way of explaining life while we have own, perhaps that the difference between us and them where we exist in numbers and theories, they exist in histories and thoughts. 

Lets just leave it as, everyone is different. Just got to accept who they really are, inside.

Getting annoyed  by group members and losing interest in project work is not a good thing, its like only the start of the year, i am already getting irritated. When one doesn't have the interest to do something, they never will. perhaps thats why they are like this. I got to change that mindset of mind and start accepting flaws of people.

Food for thoughts
Ever wonder why mathematics, religions , theories or even classification existed?
Indeed it seems so weird that certain things only exist imaginary, yet we need them to be in our life. perhaps the reasons why something exist in our life its not just about what is real or not , but we need them in life. 
Example, true love, sometimes, we always feel it will never exist, but some still needs to believe it exist, because we need to believe that indeed true love in life exist and we are willing to work for it. 
Existence in the world, is not by facts nowadays, but its just for the sake of our wants.
perhaps thats the power of belief...

Existence is just another word for illusions.


Perhaps i am too naive...

Maybe everything can be so different.... if i can see things from another perspective.....